Welcome to my new sailing blog. For anyone who doesn't know me... I'm Pip, 23, Christian, British, liveaboard sailor, media composer (I write music for TV, ads, etc...), knitter, spinner, windsurfer, recent convert to the junk rig, wannabe ocean going adventurer! My intention with this simple blog is to detail my sailing adventures, to inform, update, perhaps even inspire like minded sailing folks. Also, it's probably of good benefit to myself to keep a detailed account of such voyages.
The Current Situation

Having lived aboard my little Halcyon 27 for over a year, coming to the end of the summer I found myself pottering about on the south coast, trying to decide what to do next. Given my very unpredictable royalty based income, I had quite a surprise when I realised I could probably afford new, slightly bigger boat!! 27ft of old, long keeled fibreglass is a great first boat, ideal for learning the ropes and cruising around the western isles of Scotland. But for living aboard permanently, and for working (producing music), she was a wee bit small for me.
While walking across Spain last summer, I spent the evenings reading the so called 'Junk Rig Bible', Practical Junk Rig. I had gained a keen interest in this rig and its potential, particularly for single-handed ocean going passages, I even considered converting my little halcyon. But needs must, and upon joining the Junk Rig Association and searching through the 'Swap, Sell or Buy' forum I quickly found a new suitable vessel - Ara'Deg. A 52 year old Alberg 37, converted to a junk rigged schooner. Three weeks after first seeing this post, I had sold my Halcyon and with the indispensable help from my dad (and his van), we travelled almost the full length of the country, from Cornwall to the Scottish Highlands, moving all my belongings to my new home. I also promptly renamed her, Pondicherry!
Though I was very pleased with my purchase, there was (and still is!) much work to be done. I spent my first couple weeks anchored in Loch Roe on the mainland before crossing the Minch and waiting another two weeks in Loch Grimshader on Lewis. Stornoway's winter berthing rates start from November onwards, so on the 1st I arrived in the well sheltered inner marina ready to get going on a full winter's refit!

And that is where you'll find me now, in the middle of a fairly extensive refit, well tucked up in Stornoway. The main objective for this work is to make her as simple and robust as possible. No fancy electronics, no shower, no fridge/freeze, no pump out heads or holding tank, no gas, as few deck fittings as possible, as few thru hulls as possible. Warm, dry, simple, and relatively inexpensive is the name of the game. She also requires an entirely new rig (excluding the masts). The sails were in a dire state with really no point in trying to save them, so I'm designing and building new sails and spars. This time I'll be adding camber and a bit more colour!
Where next?
My objective for the next five years or so (a very loose timeframe), is to get around the world with particular focus on the high latitudes... Greenland, Svalbard, Chile, South Georgia, Antarctica, Kerguélen, North West Passage, etc. These are the places I really want to go! I think I'll consider this summer's cruising as sea trials, perhaps I'll head up to the Faroes, maybe even Iceland if I have time. But my intention this coming autumn/winter is to make the voyage down to Chile by the start of next year. I had thought about trying to get up to the arctic this summer, but I fear the refit will go on longer than expected and I don't want to leave it too late in the season for traversing the Bay of Biscay and onwards...
The Blog
I'm no writer, I never liked English classes in school, so it feels very weird to be doing this now. But I'm keen to keep an account of my sailing adventures and I'm aware there are folks who'd like to know what I'm up to! So I'll try to write a new post every couple months or so, or whenever I've come to the end of a significant voyage. You should be able to subscribe to this blog so you'll get an email notification when I next post. I'd imagine the next one will be after the refit with my new and improved Pondicherry! She should hopefully look something like this...

Until next time, fair winds and following seas! :)